Everything You Need To Know About MSSN FUTA JIHAD Week

Have you been wondering what the hype about MSSN FUTA JIHAD WEEK is all about? If yes, then you’re in the right place, because you know, follow who know road. This interesting article will explain in details what MSSN FUTA JIHAD WEEK is and give you the nitty gritty of what things look like. So fasten those seat belts and let’s go!!

Table of Contents
About MSSN FUTA Jihad Week
It is a 7day program that is aimed at strengthening the bond among Muslims students in FUTA. It is meant to relieve students from the stress of attending classes, doing assignments and writing tests so they can spend quality time with their fellow Muslim futarians. It usually begins on a Friday, after Jumu’ah.
MSSN FUTA Jihad Week Activities
The Awareness Walk:
This is an intro to the Jihad Week where you get to walk with your fellow Muslim futarians through Obanla, Obakekere, Southgate, every nook and cranny of the institution (metaphorically speaking). You actually get to enjoy the awareness walk because the togetherness that evolves from moving with a large group of your fellow Muslims will make you energetic. Get ready to be energized!
The Formal Opening:
You do NOT want to miss it. This usually takes place at one of the University auditoriums like T.I Francis Auditorium. Trust MSSN FUTA to cook up amazing activities for you because the lecturers are usually fantastic, delivering astonishing lectures that would make you glued to your seat, with glee.
The quiz, debate and paper presentation segment:
This could be inter-faculty (ọmọ iya, you get to prove that your faculty is not small in the atmosphere) or among individuals. Trust me, you are actually going to want to experience this yourself. Whether you get to partake as a participant or a member of the audience ,you will love it. You get to see the peak of intelligence and elegance among your fellow intellectual Muslims. BarakaLlahu feenaa!
Get ready to be WOWed.
The Humanitarian Visitation and Rural da’wah:
If you have attended a rural da’wah in FUTA before, you probably have an idea of what it would look like. If you haven’t, all well and good. Just know that it’ll be absolutely interesting and exciting as you create beautiful memories.
So, do make sure you attend.
The Health Talk:
Hope those seat beats are still in place because ọmọ iya, this one will definitely leave you asking for more. Trust MSSN FUTA to bring in experts in the field who can actually clarify myths from reality regarding health and dish out a host of other beneficial knowledge! Attend it ọmọ iya mi, a friend might not be able to recount everything!
Alright, we’re almost at the end of the exciting journey just don’t fall off your seats please.
The Quran competition:
The statement ‘seeing is believing’ is very appropriate for this part. You actually have to be there to realize how amazing it is. You get to listen to Qari’s recite the Noble Book of Allah, the gracious Qur’an.
BarakaLlahu feenaa
PS: Get ready to have your mind blown.
The Sisters Day:
(The brothers can kindly shift away for the mean time. T for thanks)
Every FUTA Muslim Sister who has attended a sisters’ hangout can testify that MSSN FUTA can cook up brilliant activities .Even if you haven’t attended any, then be rest assured as you would have the chance to have fun with your fellow Muslim sisters in creative and exciting ways. In one word, it is FANTASTIC!
So ensure you attend, it’s a Girls’ Day through and through.
Now the brothers can shift back to their previous positions, thank you.
The Jihad Week Football competition:
This is usually an inter masjid (mosque) competition between masjids(mosques) within and around the school like Little Tokyo ,Abiola, Obakekere, Embassy, Apatapiti, Daarussalam ,New hostel masjid and other masaajid as well. The final is played during the Jihad Week, usually between two vibrant teams, but then, a champion must emerge!
BarakaLlahu feehum
This one is absolutely fun, unique, wonderful, you name it! Gifts are dished out for participants in the quiz, debate, Quran competition, paper presentation. Along with a lot of other beautiful activities that would leave you feeling nostalgic and hoping Jihad Week is organized every other week.
So this is the end ọmọ iya. Even though, there might be a little changes here and there but these are the main activities that occur during Jihad Week. I’m sure you now have a good idea of what MSSN FUTA Jihad Week is all about.
Who can participate?
You, You and YOU! As long as you’re a Muslim student in FUTA, you’re good to go.
When does it Starts?
MSSN FUTA Jihad Week takes place in every second semester of the session.
So, What Next?
Now that you know what MSSN FUTA Jihad Week is all about, do make sure you attend it. Take your mind off stressful classes and assignments and spend quality halal time with your fellow ọmọ iyas. Because as you can see, MSSN FUTA can really really REALLY COOK UP splendid activities. BarakaLlahu feehi!
Do not forget to buy your Jihad Week Outfit as well. So you can rock it in a halal manner.
MSSN FUTA JIHAD Week is a program that takes months and months of planning by the executives. It is meant to tie us all together as siblings in the Deen. So do NOT miss any of them. You WILL love it, that’s a guarantee.
Refer your friends to this article, Follow MSSN FUTA on Facebook for more updates, and encourage them to attend as well . Don’t have all the fun alone.
Untill next time, fa-ssalam alaekum wa rahmatuLlah wa Barakatuhu.
Akeeb Rasheedat Anike · February 10, 2023 at 4:20 pm
Alhamdulilah, this is so enticing.. Baarokah Ilahu feek to the brain behind it …
Sanusi Abdulhamid · March 10, 2023 at 8:03 pm
We’re glad you did enjoy the article, Sis Rasheedat.
Jazakumullahu khayran
Maryam · November 16, 2023 at 2:08 pm
I feel refreshed just reading it
Abdulrahman Ibrahim · November 19, 2023 at 9:24 pm
Alhamdulillah!!! It’s Mind blowing. Masha Allah.
Barokallahu Feekum. Amin
Fareedah Raji · November 20, 2023 at 5:33 pm
Allahumo barrik. BarakaLLAH feekum wa feena Ukhteey. This is brilliant. JazakumuLLAHU khayron
Owoyale Aishat Opeyemi · November 23, 2023 at 9:43 pm