Published by Khaleed on

Dear Beloved Ummah!

Gratitude (Shukr) is a powerful act of worship that brings us closer to Allah and opens the doors of His mercy . Recognizing and appreciating the countless blessings we have in our lives, big and small, is a way to acknowledge Allah’s infinite grace .

The more grateful we are, the more Allah blesses us. “If you are grateful, I will surely increase your favour upon you.” [Quran 14:7]

Gratitude purifies our hearts, shifts our focus to what we have rather than what we lack, and reminds us to continuously thank Allah for His endless blessings . Let us take time every day to reflect on the gifts Allah has given us—our health, family, provision, and faith—and thank Him sincerely .

Ramadan Daily Reminder Day08

May Allah grant us the ability to show gratitude in all circumstances and make our hearts content with His decree . Ameen

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May Allah reward you abundantly, Aameen.

With love,


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