6 Days to Ramadan

#6DaysToRamadan : Repent and Make Dua’a

🌷MUSLIM STUDENTS’ SOCIETY OF NIGERIA, FUTA🌷 *🄸🄽 🅃🄷🄴 🄻🄸🄶🄷🅃 🄾🄵 🅁🄰🄼🄰🄳🄰🄽* #6DaysToRamadan Repent and Make Dua’a We all make mistakes, but alhamdulilah we can always repent. The Prophet(pbuh) said:”All the children of Adam constantly err, but the best of those who constantly err are those who constantly repent.” (Tirmidhi) #RamadanCountdown Read more…

The Esteems and Miracles of Islam

[ USRAH CLASS] – The Esteems and Miracles of Islam

*🌷MUSLIM STUDENTS’ SOCIETY OF NIGERIA, FUTA🌷* Assalamu alaykum dear brethren.                   *DID YOU KNOW?💡* _*Almighty Allah says:*_ *“Have We not made the earth as a bed, and the mountains as pegs?” (Quran 78:6-7).* *PROGRAM FOR TOMORROW, SUNDAY (15/03/2020)* ✨🎀 *🅂🄸🅂🅃🄴🅁🅂’ 🄲🄸🅁🄲🄻🄴*🎀✨ 👉 TOPIC: *RESPECT AND SISTERHOOD: A JUXTAPOSITION*  🧕🏼 LECTURER: Read more…