Snippets of the Jumu’ah Lecture
By Dr. Imam Idris
Reported by Muneeroh Adio
Imagine enjoying one particular activity and not get tired of it. Seems impossible, right? Well, our beloved Prophet said Jannah shall contain enjoyment that we’d never be tired of. So what are we waiting for? Let’s be people of Jannah!
As muslims, our main purpose in this Dunyah is to be among the people of Jannah
Who are the people of Jannah?
How can you become a person of Jannah?
According to an hadith of our Nobel Prophet (SAW), he said the people of Al-Jannah are of 3 types
A contented man who abstains from that which is haram.
The people of Jannah are people who are contented with what they have, have self control (do not have lustful desires for things of this Dunya) and are also self sufficient
The one whom Allah has blessed with Al-Qanaa-a’ (contentment) is truly blessed. It is difficult to be contented because everyone always wants more. Just like how if one has #10,000, he’d aim to have #100,000. Thus, contentment would prevent our soul from that which isn’t permissible and keep us from seeking ephemeral things.
Allah told us in the Quran (Q79: 40, 41), how important the connection between is between contentment, self control and Jananh.
They scholars say we have two steps to Jananh: The first step is to place a leg or foot on our desires. And the second step is Jannah.
Prophet would often say Allahumma inni as aluka-l udaa wa thuko wa-l ‘afaaf wa-l ginaa
(Oh Allah, I ask for guidance, takwa (piety), self control and self-sufficiency)
Our beloved Propeht told us that whoever abstains from others’ wealth, Allah will provide for Him. Which means amassing wealth through fraud, yahoo yahoo, robbery, bribery and so on are disliked by Allah.
Contentment, however, does not mean self-complacency such as sitting down and saying “Allah will do it“. Putting efforts is key and then, relying on Allah. A student does not have to commit examination malpractice to get good grades. Because your overall cgpa’ doesn’t determine what you’d become in life. However, this is not to say that you shouldn’t put in effort to read and pray.
Refraining one’s tongue
Another habit that can also help us attain Jannah is restraining our tongues. A man came to the prophet(SAW) and asked how to become a person of Al-Jannah, the prophet said, “Restrain your tongue.“
According to an Hadith of our Prophet, he said, “He who believes in Allah and the day of judgement, he should say that which is good or keep mute
Another thing that can also help us attain Jannah is restraining our tongues. According to an Hadith if our Prophet, he said “He who believes in Allah and the day of judgement, he should say that which is good or keep mute