Depression: Snippets Of The Jumu’ah Lecture

As we grow and life happens, we all grapple with numerous overwhelming emotions. One of these is depression.
Assalam alaykum warahmotuLLAHI wabarakatuH, dear brothers and sisters,
What is depression?
How does one know they are depressed?
And what are the ways out of depression?
Read to the end of this article for the answers.

Table of Contents
What is depression?
Depression is a mental state in which the individual is predominantly sad, and not fully themselves.
Now, let’s explore further.
What are the signs of depression?
Below are some of the signs of depression in an Individual
- Social isolation:
The individual feels they are not worthy enough to be with people or in certain gatherings - Pessimism:
When an individual consistently believes a situation will turn out negatively or that they cannot achieve anything positive or succeed in life. This can lead to mentally blocking out goodness from one’s life. - Frequent troubled sleep or oversleeping
- Eating problems and loss of appetite
- Continuous feelings of sadness
- Inability to concentrate
- Continuous neglect of self-care
Having known the signs of depression, you might be wondering – what can this lead to?
Effects of depression
- Suicidal thoughts
- Committing suicide: Research indicates that 60% of suicides result from depression.
Suicide is a grave sin in Islam and is forbidden. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
“Whoever kills himself with something in this world will be tormented by the same thing on the Day of Resurrection.” [Narrated by Abdullah ibn Masood, Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 78, Hadith 6479.] - Other dangerous mental illnesses: It is heart-wrenching that just about three weeks ago, we lost three Muslim sisters to suicide.
Solutions to Depression
- Strong faith in Allah:
One must always believe that, no matter how dire a situation is, Allah is not oblivious to it. He is All-knowing and All-wise. - Remembrance of Allah in times of sadness and trial:
Even when it feels like we’ve lost all connection with Allah and our own being, during times of grief, we should mention the names of Allah. Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, hearts find rest. [Surah Ar-Ra`d: 28] - Patience:
When faced with a difficult time, and we have absolutely no control over anything, the only sane thing to do is to be patient.
Narrated ‘Aisha (mother of the believers): Allah’s Apostle said, ‘No calamity befalls a Muslim but that Allah expiates some of his sins because of it, even if it were the prick he receives from a thorn.‘ [Narrated by Abu Huraira, Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 70, Hadith 544.] - Contentment:
Distance yourself from people and situations that make you feel ungrateful, worried, or like a failure. - Focus on your present:
The past is gone and cannot be changed. Tomorrow is yet to come and cannot be predicted. - Make dua:
Consult reliable Muslims and experts. - Always seek help:
Dear brothers and sisters, if you experience at least four of these symptoms of depression, please speak out. Our imams are always more than ready to lend a listening ear any day, at any time.
You can also reach out to either the Ameer or Ameerah via the contact below;
Ameer’s Contact: 08161286207
Ameerah’s Contact: 07069714100
Again, dear brothers and sisters, please know that seeking help is not a sign of weakness.
May Almighty save us from depression and suicide.
Source: Culled from the Friday Khutbah by Imam Dr. Musa Idris
Date: October 21st, 2023
Location: FUTA Central Mosque, Obanla
Culled by: Raji Faridat M.
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