How to complete the Holy Qur'an in the glorious month of Ramadan in 30days

#2DaysToRamadan: Completing the Holy Qur’an in Ramadan

🌷 *MUSLIM STUDENTS’ SOCIETY OF NIGERIA, FUTA*🌷 *🄸🄽 🅃🄷🄴 🄻🄸🄶🄷🅃 🄾🄵 🅁🄰🄼🄰🄳🄰🄽* In the LIGHT OF RAMADAN is a Series by the MSSN FUTA PUBLICITY COMMITTEE which began in the last 10days of Shaban to Ramadan bringing Ramadan related topics, Ethics, Lifestyle, Ramadan principles, Do’s and Don’ts, and more.   Read more…

3 days to Ramadan

#3DaysToRamadan: Fasting is Prescribed For You

🌷MUSLIM STUDENTS’ SOCIETY OF NIGERIA, FUTA🌷         *🄸🄽 🅃🄷🄴 🄻🄸🄶🄷🅃 🄾🄵 🅁🄰🄼🄰🄳🄰🄽* *#3DaysToRamadan* Fasting is Prescribed for you O you who believe, fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become Al-muttaqqun(pious). _Quran 2:183_ #RamadanCountdown #StayhomeStaysafe *©️MSSN FUTA PUBLICITY Read more…